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International Nuremberg Principles Academy Vacancies; CfA Russia, Imperialism, and International Law; BUL Emerging Law Voices Interview Series; Remembering Karen Knop Roundtable; Massive Open Online Course

1. International Nuremberg Principles Academy Project Officer Vacancies. The International Nuremberg Principles Academy (Nuremberg Academy) is a foundation dedicated to the advancement of international criminal law and related human rights and is located in Nuremberg, the birthplace of modern international criminal law. The Nuremberg Academy is now seeking to recruit two Project Officers available to start working in Nuremberg, Germany in the third quarter of 2023. For more information, see here. Applications are possible until 20 June 2023.

2. Call for Abstracts: Symposium on Russia, Imperialism, and International Law (14-16 September 2023). The Walther Schücking Institute for International Law at the University of Kiel, Germany, will host an international symposium on ‘Russia, Imperialism, and International Law’ on 14 – 16 September 2023. The symposium will discuss Russia’s past and present attempts to (re-)establish its dominance and control in the post-Soviet sphere, with a specific focus on geopolitical (e.g., the concept of the ‘near abroad’), nationality-related (e.g., passportisation), and economic ‘tools of imperialism’. Scholars of international law and its related disciplines (including political science, history, and economics) are invited to submit abstracts on topics related to this theme. Although the symposium has a particular interest in the topic of Russian imperialism and highly encourages submissions in this area, the organisers equally encourage submissions on any topic that illuminates the discourse on imperialism (and its ‘tools’) in general, including those not directly addressing the role of Russian Federation. Abstracts should be around 1,000-1,500 words, and must be sent to Professor Andreas von Arnauld <arnauld {at} wsi.uni-kiel(.)de> in a single document that also includes a brief CV by 3 July 2023. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present their research in panels on their respective themes, and following the symposium, to publish their paper in a special focus section in Volume 66 (2023) of the German Yearbook of International Law. Full details can be found here.

3. BUL Emerging Law Voices Interview Series. The Brunel University London School of Law has made available the ‘BUL Emerging Law Voices interview series with Dr Solon Solomon’ hosting people from the academic world and from practice. The interviews can be watched at the Brunel Law School YouTube channel or listened to on Spotify. The latest interview with the United Kingdom’s Legal Advisor to the United Nations can be accessed hereherehere and here.

4. Tel Aviv University International Law Workshop Special Roundtable: Remembering Karen Knop – A Roundtable on Her International Law Scholarship. The date of this roundtable has been changed to 26 June 2023, 16:15-17:45 Tel Aviv Time. Email ILworkshopTAU {at} gmail(.)com to wp-signup.php, Join via Zoom. More information can be found here

5. Massive Open Online Course. UNESCO and the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights at the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, will soon be launching a new version of a global free multilingual Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for judicial actors on the international and regional standards on freedom of expression and the safety of journalists. The course, which will be available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Portuguese, will build on the successful UNESCO-Bonavero Institute MOOC on freedom of expression which was delivered in English in 2021. Registration is now open here.  More information on the MOOC can be found here. This free, five-week online course will run between 29 May – 30 June 2023. The course will be led by experts in the field of human rights and freedom of expression, and will include high-level guest speakers such as UN Special Rapporteurs, judges from regional human rights courts, prosecutors, and human rights lawyers. A certificate of completion will be issued for participants who will successfully complete the course. Any questons can be sent to the UNESCO team at FOE.course {at} unesco(.)org.


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